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Rescue Dogs and puppies

Rehoming and Rescue Dogs

Many Rescue dogs have been mistreated, . Some have had many homes, some may be only one. In all cases they have been abandoned . Many of these dogs were bought as fluffy little bundles of fun at about 8 weeks of age. As it matures, it is now requiring more food, more exercise and more of the owners' time. It also may have presented with behavioural problems that are unacceptable to their owners who may  not have the time or inclination to address it..

Re-homing  dogs is not easy in some cases, people perceive older dogs to be un-trainable but this is not the case, you CAN teach a dog new tricks. But  do be aware that some issues have to be managed rather than fixed.

So bear in mind if you take on a rescue dog, it is going to need more time to gain that trust. Don't focus on its past, and make allowances for nervousness by being compassionate and calm.

All deserve to be understood. Whenever I'm called to see such a dog with behavioural problems, a line is drawn on that day, what is past is past

There is no rush to take your dog out to meet all the places you walk, go to all the places you want to go, it may never have seen more than a backyard before. So take it slow, introduce it to things gradually over the first couple of weeks, why not let it just potter about the home and garden getting to know you and it’s new home.

Your time would be best spent getting the dogs trust,  you will with the method in the book.

You’ll not be presented with all behaviour problems for at least the first 8 weeks, dogs are so different when they get their feet under the table and get to know you, then you will see what you’ve got. So just because your new arrival is quiet and good, things may well change. If you follow the advice in the book, you’ll be giving the dog the right signals that you are there to guide it through any concerns it may have and how to fit into your family.

Your new friend needs time to adjust, take the pressure off, it may well just want to sleep. Teach it to come when called, in the home and garden, show him the kind human touch. Be patient and give your dog time to relax in his new home before you show it the outside world, slow but sure, he needs to get to know you and trust you.

If the dog has been in a foster home, they will have taken the dog out and know whether it is good on the lead, chases cats, great with children, is not frightened of cars and doesn’t bark at bikes. Good Rescues will have assessed the dog for a couple of weeks and made sure it is healthy.

All rescues check you out, so make sure you check them out too, ensuring that you will get on going help and advice if you need it.

Do remember when you pick up a rescue it has had at least 3 homes..one with its mother, then the owner, then the rescue. It probably doesn’t know which way is up, it needs time to adjust, so please do not rush with its socialisation, the most important thing is for it to get to know you, your home and all the new sounds and smells there. Trust is easily lost, he probably lost trust in humans a while ago, now is your chance to gently show him that he can trust again and feel safe.

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